What is Yoga?

Yoga is a science of everyday practice of righteous living. Physical, mental, psychic, spiritual, and emotional aspects are involved. Patañjali, who is known as one of the noblest sages, systematized yoga. Thanks to his work, yoga became available to all of us. Based on Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patañjali by B.K.S. Iyengar, he defines yogah cittavrtti nirodhah as “Yoga is the cessation of movements in the consciousness. ” Yoga, comes from Sanskrit word yuj, which can be translated as to connect, to join, to unite, “ to center on oneself.”

The yoga system by Patañjali, describes us the eight limbs, eight-fold disciplines under ashtanga (ashta= eight, anga=limbs) yoga which is also called kriya yoga: Yoga of action. (This comes in Chapter 2 of the book: Sadhana)

1.- Yama- Conduct towards others or social discipline.

2.- Niyama- Conduct towards oneself or individual discipline.

3.- Asana- Practice of poses for physical discipline.

4.- Pranayama- Breath control for mental discipline.

5.- Pratyahara- Withdrawal or discipline of the senses.

6.- Dharana- Concentration.

7.- Dhyana- Meditation.

8.- Samadhi- Self- Realization.

You are more than welcome to start your discovery journey on any of these subjects, and if you have questions, I am more than happy to answer. This is also my everyday journey!

Did you know yoga can be practiced everyday? When mindfulness is present on every little action that we execute during the day, yoga is taking place. Here in the West, USA, yoga has been marketed as an exercise, but in reality there is much more to it. Asana practice, the 3rd limb, is just a small piece of the huge picture. I think that asana was attractive since it involves our physical bodies, something tangible, where we can see physical changes, and also feel our bodies within each pose with its alignments. It is easier for us to grasp this concept. But please, remember other limbs exists, although they may be confusing at first, they are not impossible to grasp on and are as important as an asana practice. I invite you to dive deeper into them!

Here, I want to offer my services as someone who can help you bring awareness into your body. I love proper alignment on our bodies, I also love the aid of props to helps us become aware on where we are, I find pranayama as a bliss, learning how to breath, oxygenating the body in different ways. Meditation is a big one, from imagery, visualization, mantra, silence, anything that feels good. A combination of the limbs, makes an outstanding practice which leads you to a beautiful awareness of life.

I am here for private sessions—you tell me what you are looking for, any specific needs, what you are curious about, and I am happy to guide you.

Asana practice: Hatha, vinyasa, restorative, yin, nidra.

Pranayama practice: learning different breathing techniques.

Dhyana practice: meditations using sound, mantras, visualization, silence.